The Art of Healing

This week Jason has had the privilege of speaking at the 2024 Art of Healing Event in beautiful Thessaloniki in Greece.

The Art of Healing Event, organised by ISSUP (International Society of Substance Use Professionals) is a five-day international event on substance use prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery support featuring speakers, workshops, training sessions and more.  ISSUP is an international network of nearly 40,000 members that unites, connects and shares knowledge across the substance use prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery support workforce.  Their global mission, in-keeping with ours, is to make the work of our members as impactful, accessible and effective as possible by sharing evidence-based knowledge, best practice, training and networking opportunities.

The event’s audience was diverse, with over 1000 delegates from 130 countries.

Jason’s presentation was part of the sub-plenary session entitled Harm Reduction: Strategies, Challenges and Global Perspectives in Substance Use

Representing ISSUP UK, PTACC UK and the Centre for Justice Innovation, Jason presented on the topic Police – Going Soft on Drugs.  In his presentation Jason discussed the evidence behind the unintended harms associated with police arresting individuals for possessing a controlled drug and how, in line with the UK National Drug Strategy – From Harm to Hope, we are putting practitioners and evidence at the heart of justice reform.  There is growing evidence to show that pre-arrest drug diversion reduces generational drug use and drug demand by providing a non-stigmatising, non-judgemental route to education, often for the first time in a person’s life.

The UK has the highest drug-related death rate on record, an increasing record for the past nine consecutive years. The deterrence of an arrest has already failed for those found with drugs and punitive sentencing is evidenced to worsen the consequences whereas a health intervention provides a number of positive outcomes.

Jason informed his audience that police, health professionals and civil society can de-politicise any subject and create the space for key stakeholders working within the justice system to create change.

Jason was delighted to learn that his presentation received brilliant feedback and a number of strategic leaders connecting to learn and share knowledge. More importantly, evidence that people are listening and learning and change is happening.

Those of you who are already familiar with Jason’s work will have no doubt heard his mantra before.. There is nothing soft about preventing death.